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Selling With Attitude

Selling With Attitude
Selling With Attitude
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"Selling with attitude is a way of thinking that enables you to meet your potential with right attitude!"
Mark Cole
Ceo The Hohn Maxwell Company

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. This book will bring diTerences lo you anil as well to children who arc struggling to fight cancer in Yayasan Sentuhan Kasih Anak Indonesia. Thank you for your kindheartcd!"
Sally Sorongan,
Yayasan Sentuhan Kasih Anak Indonesia.

"It is my privilege to endorse Lsra's wonderful book. It is a wonderful example for anyone who dreams big dreams. Her story will lift you up and give you hope. Anyone who aspires to achieve success should read how she overcame her own personal fears and insecurities to bccome one of the leading producers in her country and a top MDRT producer, among an international community with over 40,000 members in 80+ countries. Her story will lift your heart and give you the courage to not give up. Let her story become your inspiration."
Guy Baker.
author of Why People Buy, 4 5-yr MDRT member

"An Inspiration read that should lift your spirit."
Bruce Etherington BA,CFP, CLIJ, CHF.

No. ISBN : 9786021669068
Penulis : Esra Manurung
Penerbit : Digna Pustaka 
Tanggal terbit : Oktober - 2015
Berat Buku : 300 gr
Jenis Cover : Soft Cover
Text : Bahasa Indonesia


Publish Date28 Agustus 2015
PublisherDigna Pustaka
Ukuran15 x 28


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