Products meeting the search criteria
Author: Daniel Perret & Heddy Surachman
Model: 9786231342126
From the time of its rediscovery in the early 1970s, the site of Kota Cina, on the shore of the Malacca Strait, in the present province of North Sumatra, Indonesia, appeared as one of the major old settlement sites in the region.This book represents the latest contribution to the accumulation of k..
Rp568,800 Rp790,000
Model: 9786024815387
Kenapa teman-teman menjauhiku? Aku enggak mau yang itu! Aku mau yang ini! Aku enggak suka dibilang tukang makan! Aku malu tampil dan bernyanyi, Pa. Bantu aku! Berbicara dan mengungkapkan isi hati saja tidak mudah, apalagi mampu mengutarakannya dengan tegas tanpa menyakiti orang lain. Kemampuan yang ..
Rp80,500 Rp115,000
Model: 9786024815707
Aku enggak mau mandi! Dari tadi aku di rumah aja, kok! Kenapa aku harus makan sayur, sih? Aku enggak suka! Pa, aku capek belajar. Aku harus bagaimana, ya? Kenapa sih aku harus tidur cepat? Enakan chatting sama teman di HP. Sejak dini, anak-anak perlu mempunyai kesadaran untuk merawat diri atau self-..
Rp80,500 Rp115,000
Author: Ayu Utami (Author)
Model: 9786024242862
Setelah sukses dengan Saman-nya, Ayu Utami kemudian memunculkan kelanjutan kisah empat sahabat perempuan dalam novel Larung. Tidak kalah bagus dari novel Saman, novel Larung ini seakan mengajak pembacanya untuk merefleksi moral dan keadilan hukum yang dimiliki oleh seluruh elemen masyarakat Indonesi..
Rp69,300 Rp99,000
Author: James Joyce
Model: 9786231342058
“Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age.”Prolog:
There was no hope for him this time: it was the third stroke. Night after night I had passed the house (it was vacation time) and studied the lighted square of window: and ..
Rp35,280 Rp49,000
Author: Jane Austen (Author)
Model: 9786231341839
“I am tired of submitting my will to the caprices of others; of resigning my own judgment in deference to those to whom I owe no duty, and for whom I feel no respect...”****
Lady Susan is an epistolary novel by English author Jane Austen. The novel was first published posthumously in 1871, althoug..
Rp35,280 Rp49,000
Author: Virginia Woolf (Author)
Model: 9786231341587
Once she knows how to read there’s only one thing you can teach her to believe in—and that is herself.”
“Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street” is a short story precursor to her famous novel, Mrs Dalloway, which is widely regarded as a masterpiece of modernist literature. The story demonstrates Woolf’s innova..
Rp35,280 Rp49,000
Author: Edgar Allan Poe
Model: 9786231341716
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
As a short story writer, Poe is known for his dark and haunting tales that explore the depths of the human psyche. His stories often feature themes of death, madness, and the supernatural, and are charac..
Rp35,280 Rp49,000
Author: Oscar Wilde
Model: 9786231341600
“Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a charming fellow. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. The poor should be practical and prosaic. It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. These are the great truths of modern life.”“The M..
Rp35,280 Rp49,000
Author: Mary Shelley (Author)
Model: 9786231342287
“Oh expectation, what a
frightful thing art thou,
when kindled more by fear
than hope!”Prolog:
July 16, 1833.—This is a memorable anniversary for me; on it I complete my three hundred and twenty-third year! The Wandering Jew?—certainly not. More than eighteen centuries have passed over his head. I..
Rp35,280 Rp49,000
Author: Alex Denni
Model: 9786024813390
Learning 5.1: Tiba Duluan Di Masa Depan
Jumlah Halaman : 180
Tanggal Terbit : 09 Mar 2020
ISBN : 9786024813390
Penerbit : KPG
Berat : 200 gr
Lebar : 12 cm
Panjang : 18 cm ..
Rp87,500 Rp125,000
Author: Haruki Murakami (Author)
Model: 9786024817664
Mungkinkah kita memahami orang lain sepenuhnya—seberapa dalam pun kita mencintai orang itu?
Haruki Murakami menjelajahi berbagai selip dan selisih yang mungkin terjadi dalam hubungan laki-laki dan perempuan melalui tujuh cerita dalam buku ini. Kita bisa becermin lewat pelbagai tokoh dalam beragam us..
Rp59,500 Rp85,000
Author: Agus Dermawan T
Model: 9786024818296
Prof. Drs KR H. Srihadi Soedarsono Adhikoesoemo, MA, (1931–2022) adalah maestro seni lukis Indonesia yang punya riwayat begitu panjang. Dia lahir dari keluarga darah biru yang sangat berada. Namun, kehidupan amat nyaman itu ditinggalkan. Sejak usia 15 tahun, dia memilih ikut perang mempertahankan ke..
Rp94,500 Rp135,000
Author: Sardjono Sigit & Kidung Asmara Sigit
Model: 9786024819613
Pendidikan asing di Tanah Air memiliki sejarah panjang sejak masuknya kolonialisme Portugis dan Belanda. Setelah Indonesia merdeka, pendidikan asing memiliki karakteristik yang lebih beragam. Terlebih pada masa Orde Lama dan peralihannya ke Orde Baru, banyak sekolah Belanda dan sekolah Cina dibubark..
Rp112,000 Rp160,000
Author: Brian Murphy (Author)
Model: 9786024815325
Living the Uncommon WisdomJumlah Halaman : 335
Tanggal Terbit : 10 Feb 2021
ISBN : 9786024815325
Penerbit : KPG
Berat : 355 gr
Lebar : 14 cm
Panjang : 21 cm ..
Rp66,500 Rp95,000