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Preschool smart activities - At the zoo

Preschool smart activities - At the zoo
Preschool smart activities - At the zoo
Preschool smart activities - At the zoo
Preschool smart activities - At the zoo
Preschool smart activities - At the zoo
Hemat Rp27,720 (28%)
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Khusus member Grobprime (GRATIS TRIAL)


This English activity book is packaged with fun games and activities to help children learn and grow. Made by experts, all the activities are focused on supporting children’s development and early learning.

The purpose of this book is oriented towards the training of attention skills, which represent the precursors for language development and learning. Through the activities, child trains the mechanisms at the basis of attention, which are important processes for filtering the information received from the environment. This information must be organized in the best possible way in order to produce relevant responses in the face of continuous and constant external inputs. Human body need reflex, therefore it becomes crucial to activate self-control functions. All activities help to activate the needed abilities, including the ability to inhibit improper responses, correct errors, modify the response, and monitor and update one’s behavior. Thus, all these abilities will evoke problem solving strategies and cognitive flexibility.
Between the ages of 3 and 6, we witness an important development of executive functions. Inhibitory capacity is observed, a complex and refined skill. It allows children to suppress inappropriate responses, as well as filter out irrelevant stimuli, which is an effective tool in the management of interference Working memory peeks at the age of 3 in terms of retention of information and matures up until the age of 5. Therefore, the preschool age represents a sensitive period for the emergence of, functional skills, which are also useful for the regulation of language, memory, and cognition.

Selling Point:
1. Buku aktivitas full berbahasa Inggris yang dapat melatih kemampuan berbahasa Inggris anak sejak dini.
2. Dirancang untuk mengembangkan keterampilan penalaran dan daya analisis pada anak.
3. Aktivitas disajikan bertahap dalam 4 level sesuai tingkat kesulitan untuk meningkatkan minat anak.
4. Terdapat contoh aktivitas untuk membantu anak memahami konteks.
Jumlah Halaman : 72
Tanggal Terbit : 26 Jun 2024
ISBN : 9786230418686
Penerbit : BIP
Berat : 92 gr
Lebar : 1 cm
Panjang : 22 cm


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