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Hi Grobmart Friends, sehubungan dengan libur Lebaran, Grobmart akan melayani seluruh pengiriman secara bertahap di tanggal 7 April 2025 ya. Untuk pemesanan tetap dapat dilakukan yaa

Peek Street: Owl Goes to Town

Peek Street: Owl Goes to Town
Peek Street: Owl Goes to Town
Peek Street: Owl Goes to Town
Peek Street: Owl Goes to Town
Peek Street: Owl Goes to Town
Hemat Rp48,750 (25%)
Pengiriman Ke DKI JAKARTA
Ongkos Kirim Rp 0
Khusus member Grobprime (GRATIS TRIAL)


Spot Owl as she tours the town, visiting the bakery, the party shop and more, and try to guess what she has in store for her friends at the end of the day! Spectacular lift-flaps with double-layer integral flaps throughout offer fabulous play value, and fun rhyming texts and twenty vocab-building labels on every page offer great educational value. Quirky and charming artwork from Valeria Valenza brings this upmarket format to life.


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