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Hi Grobmart Friends, sehubungan dengan libur Lebaran, Grobmart akan melayani seluruh pengiriman secara bertahap di tanggal 7 April 2025 ya. Untuk pemesanan tetap dapat dilakukan yaa

Pairs! in the Garden

Pairs! in the Garden
Pairs! in the Garden
Pairs! in the Garden
Pairs! in the Garden
Pairs! in the Garden
Hemat Rp43,750 (25%)
Pengiriman Ke DKI JAKARTA
Ongkos Kirim Rp 0
Khusus member Grobprime (GRATIS TRIAL)


Lift the flaps to find the matching pairs in this fun novelty series that's all about habitats! This book has seven die-cut flaps on every spread for little ones to lift to find the matching pairs, and spot the odd one out. Lift stones to find snails, grass to find ladybugs and lettuce leaves to find caterpillars, then answer a simple counting question and spot the odd one out. The first two books in the series are Underwater and In the Wild. Printed on sturdy card, perfect for little hands, these books provide enjoyment while out and about or at home, as well as teaching important recognition and memory skills.


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