Kamus Istilah Inggris-Indonesia
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Kamus ini memuat istilah yang kerapkali muncul dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu. Pemahaman kosakata yang luas dalam beragam ranah tersebut akan menjadi energi yang kuat dalam menyangga kelancaran arus komunikasi dalam bahasa inggris dengan efektif baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
agriculture, animal, audio, biology, bird, chemistry, color, company, construction, crime, dining room,drink,economy,education, electrical industry, environment, family, finance, fishery, food, fruit, government,health, house, human body, industry, international relation, kitchen, language, law, library, literature, living room, local government, love and sex education, mathematics, medicinal treatment, military, music, physics, plant, police, politics, publishing, pyschology, religion, school,science, social life, space, sport, telephone, textile industry, town planning, transportation, vehicle, village, work, yard
agriculture, animal, audio, biology, bird, chemistry, color, company, construction, crime, dining room,drink,economy,education, electrical industry, environment, family, finance, fishery, food, fruit, government,health, house, human body, industry, international relation, kitchen, language, law, library, literature, living room, local government, love and sex education, mathematics, medicinal treatment, military, music, physics, plant, police, politics, publishing, pyschology, religion, school,science, social life, space, sport, telephone, textile industry, town planning, transportation, vehicle, village, work, yard
Tags: Edizal,
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