- Stock: Stok Tersedia
- Penulis: Cahyadi Kurniawan (Author)
- Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU)
- Model: 9786020356624
- MPN: 617203031
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"“If you are either (reluctantly) handing over your business to your (reluctant) children, or if you are (reluctantly) taking over the business from your (insistent) parent, then YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST READ THIS BOOK! This book by my good friend Cahyadi is really down-to-earth and applicable. It’s based on his many years of experiencing personally coaching the parents and their children, guiding them, overseeing the handing over, and often mediating the inevitably and necessarily stormy and emotional roller coasters of parent-sibling confl icts. This book is absolutely invaluable because it tells you the WHYs, WHOs, WHENs, WHEREs and HOWs. And then you’ll realize that it’s ACTUALLY EASY.â€
—James Gwee, Indonesia’s Favourite Trainer & Seminar Speaker, Author of 10 bestselling books, Host of “Smart Business Talkâ€, Radio SmartFM, Co-Host of “I’M POSSIBLEâ€, Metro TV
“Whether you are thinking or halfway building your business empire that run by family members, you MUST READ this step-by-step coaching book just how to do that right from the beginning. Coach Cahyadi’s experience is enormous, proven and you’ll love his $1 million ideas as much as I do. May all your dreams come true for generations to come.â€
—Herman Susanto, ActionCOACH Master Licensee in Indonesia—Hall of Fame Award in Beijing 2012
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
ISBN : 9786020356624
Perkiraan Berat : 0.30 kg
Halaman : 244
Tipe Jilid : SOFT COVER