Buku ini disusun berdasarkan Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar Kurikulum 213 untuk SD/MI. Buku ini merupakan Buku Pendamping dari Buku Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu untuk SD/MI Kelas 1 Semester 1. Buku ini dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran dengan bentuk latihan yang variatif ..
Smart Science : consisting of core exercises and assessment will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient tool for teacher and pupils and yet cause no financial strain. The books in this series are comprehensive and complet.They are specially -planned and written based on the books,the Stan..
Smart Science : consisting of core exercises and assessment will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient tool for teacher and pupils and yet cause no financial strain. The books in this series are comprehensive and complet.They are specially -planned and written based on the books,the Stan..
Smart Science : consisting of core exercises and assessment will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient tool for teacher and pupils and yet cause no financial strain. The books in this series are comprehensive and complet.They are specially -planned and written based on the books,the Stan..
Sebagai sarana latihan evaluasi di sekolah dan latihan mandiri di rumah, SMART Mathematics menyajikan rangkuman dan soal-soal pengayaan dalam dua Bahasa , Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Materi dalam buku ini sesuai dengan kurikulum Standar isi 26, dengan penambahan materi dan soal pengayaan ya..
Sebagai sarana latihan evaluasi di sekolah dan latihan mandiri di rumah, SMART Mathematics menyajikan rangkuman dan soal-soal pengayaan dalam dua Bahasa , Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Materi dalam buku ini sesuai dengan kurikulum Standar isi 26, dengan penambahan materi dan soal pengayaan ya..
Smart Science : consisting of core exercises and assessment will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient tool for teacher and pupils and yet cause no financial strain. The books in this series are comprehensive and complet.They are specially -planned and written based on the books,the Stan..
Smart Science : consisting of core exercises and assessment will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient tool for teacher and pupils and yet cause no financial strain. The books in this series are comprehensive and complet.They are specially -planned and written based on the books,the Stan..
Smart Science : consisting of core exercises and assessment will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient tool for teacher and pupils and yet cause no financial strain. The books in this series are comprehensive and complet.They are specially -planned and written based on the books,the Stan..