- Stock: Gudang Penerbit
- Penulis: Firnita
- Penerbit: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG)
- Model: 9786231342027
- MPN: 592402275
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Whether you’re already in the quarter-life crisis or still waiting for the time to come, the pieces inside this book can give a glimpse of what it feels like.
It is being a baby and wondering if you’re gonna be someone’s baby. It is having cute crushes and seeing friends getting married. It is wanting to buy childish things but also having to pay taxes. It is the duality of being both a kid and an adult.
The first half of our twenties is in the past and the second one starts to reveal itself. Find your struggle and joy inside this book. Enjoy the ride!
"Now I’m hearing silence so loud inside the bedroom
I face updates from people inside the tiny screens
graduating, traveling, soft-launching
oversharing, working, living
and though I sometimes do the same
it feels like we no longer share the same universe
Do you hear that?
It’s the sound of your leaking tears
dripping and forming echoes
you wish other people don’t catch
Because isn’t being twenty-somethings are supposed to be fun
and reckless and free-spirited and dumb and everything else but
being still. stagnant. and stuck.
And again I hear the questions who built a tent in my head
Does end of day means midnight or 5 PM?
Why did my friends scroll Instagram when I’m talking?
Was that a date? Or was that just a meet-up?
Why don’t my parents ask where I’m going?
I still don’t know the answers
but I can hear new questions hammering
nails to mark their place inside my mind
And that is my phone. Ringing. People are calling.
Actually updating me not from IG stories.
Asking my opinions on things. Talking about future plans.
Wondering about could-bes. Laughing. Crying as if they’re
in a crisis. As if we’re in a crisis.
Because we actually are in one. Half of our twenties were wasted
and half of it is still ahead of us. Half of our twenties are in the past
and half of it starts to reveal itself. Perhaps we still have the last half
to make up every nonsense we did. And maybe one day,
we’re no longer the not quite enough soul.
we will become whole."
Jumlah Halaman : 120
Tanggal Terbit : 12 Jun 2024
ISBN : 9786231342027
Penerbit : KPG
Berat : 140 gr
Lebar : 0 cm
Panjang : 16 cm
It is being a baby and wondering if you’re gonna be someone’s baby. It is having cute crushes and seeing friends getting married. It is wanting to buy childish things but also having to pay taxes. It is the duality of being both a kid and an adult.
The first half of our twenties is in the past and the second one starts to reveal itself. Find your struggle and joy inside this book. Enjoy the ride!
"Now I’m hearing silence so loud inside the bedroom
I face updates from people inside the tiny screens
graduating, traveling, soft-launching
oversharing, working, living
and though I sometimes do the same
it feels like we no longer share the same universe
Do you hear that?
It’s the sound of your leaking tears
dripping and forming echoes
you wish other people don’t catch
Because isn’t being twenty-somethings are supposed to be fun
and reckless and free-spirited and dumb and everything else but
being still. stagnant. and stuck.
And again I hear the questions who built a tent in my head
Does end of day means midnight or 5 PM?
Why did my friends scroll Instagram when I’m talking?
Was that a date? Or was that just a meet-up?
Why don’t my parents ask where I’m going?
I still don’t know the answers
but I can hear new questions hammering
nails to mark their place inside my mind
And that is my phone. Ringing. People are calling.
Actually updating me not from IG stories.
Asking my opinions on things. Talking about future plans.
Wondering about could-bes. Laughing. Crying as if they’re
in a crisis. As if we’re in a crisis.
Because we actually are in one. Half of our twenties were wasted
and half of it is still ahead of us. Half of our twenties are in the past
and half of it starts to reveal itself. Perhaps we still have the last half
to make up every nonsense we did. And maybe one day,
we’re no longer the not quite enough soul.
we will become whole."
Jumlah Halaman : 120
Tanggal Terbit : 12 Jun 2024
ISBN : 9786231342027
Penerbit : KPG
Berat : 140 gr
Lebar : 0 cm
Panjang : 16 cm
Tags: Firnita,
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