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Hi Grobmart Friends, sehubungan dengan libur Lebaran, Grobmart akan melayani seluruh pengiriman secara bertahap di tanggal 7 April 2025 ya. Untuk pemesanan tetap dapat dilakukan yaa

Bayu Satya: To Save the Sea Edisi Inggris

Bayu Satya: To Save the Sea Edisi Inggris
Bayu Satya: To Save the Sea Edisi Inggris
Bayu Satya: To Save the Sea Edisi Inggris
Bayu Satya: To Save the Sea Edisi Inggris
Bayu Satya: To Save the Sea Edisi Inggris
Hemat Rp65,400 (30%)
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Khusus member Grobprime (GRATIS TRIAL)


OSCT Indonesia is a company established in 2011 by Bayu Satya based on his concern about oil spill disasters in the seas. Before that, this entrepreneur from Palembang, South Sumatra, had been involved for decades in the world of manufacturing oil spill response equipment with the brand Slickbar Indonesia. The idea for establishing OSCT Indonesia was motivated by the reality that many companies are not able to buy, store, and operate oil spill response equipment in their operational headquarters. Even though, the risk of oil spill disasters is always lurking when not expected. An oil spill disaster in the seas creates a chain of terrible impacts that are so destructive. The environment is damaged, marine life is exposed to poisonous chemicals, and human health is also threatened because the fish have been contaminated with dangerous poisons. OSCT Indonesia in the period of almost a decade since it was established has undertaken a series of brilliant achievements in saving the seas from fierce oil spills. Their reputation in Indonesia and abroad can make everyone proud. This book is an interesting record which is brief yet complete about how this concern was born in Bayu Satya, how he began the struggle to build this industry in Indonesia, how he then has played many roles in the international scene, as well as all the twists and turns of this field.

Jumlah Halaman : 368
Tanggal Terbit : 07 Apr 2021
ISBN : 9786020649832
Penerbit : GPU
Berat : 388 gr
Lebar : 15 cm
Panjang : 23 cm


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