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Hi Grobmart Friends, sehubungan dengan libur Lebaran, Grobmart akan melayani seluruh pengiriman secara bertahap di tanggal 7 April 2025 ya. Untuk pemesanan tetap dapat dilakukan yaa

Abridged Classic Series: The Wizard of Oz

Abridged Classic Series: The Wizard of Oz
Abridged Classic Series: The Wizard of Oz
Abridged Classic Series: The Wizard of Oz
Abridged Classic Series: The Wizard of Oz
Abridged Classic Series: The Wizard of Oz
Hemat Rp22,500 (30%)
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Khusus member Grobprime (GRATIS TRIAL)


After a tornado sweeps Dorothy away from her family to the magical land of Oz, she longs to return home. Will she ever make it back, or ill he be thwarted by the Wicked Witch of the West?

This magical late has been retold and adopted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers.
Jumlah Halaman : 72

Tanggal Terbit : 15 Des 2021

ISBN : 9786024816513

Penerbit : KPG

Berat : 92 gr

Lebar : 13 cm

Panjang : 19.5 cm


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