Go Perpetuate: How to Beat the 3rd Generation Curse
- Stock: Gudang Penerbit
- Penulis: Hadi Cahyadi
- Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU)
- Model: 9786020673363
- MPN: 623203017
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Every family business owner faces a succession as their biggest challenge. If you are one of them, you most likely have to deal with a bitter fact: a third-generation curse, which is well-known worldwide. The writer, who passionate about family business perpetuation, was intrigued by why several companies made it through generations and why other companies failed. As part of his doctorate study, he researched Indonesian large family businesses to study the phenomenon. Classic grounded theory methodology is applied to sampling twenty-seven respondents from four large conglomerate groups. The findings are that the founders’ main concern is perpetuating their family business and maintaining family leadership into second and third generations, which they seek to achieve by Parenting to Equip, Harmonizing to Prosper, and Collaborating to Endure. He then formulates a Theory on Intergenerational Perpetuation of Large Family Businesses®, which comprise Nine Propositions, PHC Triangle®, and Seven Stepping Stones of Intergenerational Perpetuation and Simple Algorithm for Perpetuating®. This book is dedicated to all family business owners worldwide to prevent the myth from becoming reality.
Profil Penulis:
Dr. Hadi Cahyadi 吴 conceived himself as a person with a life mission as an educator by dedicating part of his time as a lecturer. Trained as an accountant, he joined some prominent consulting companies that have turned him into become a savvy financial consultant. Later, he established Helios Capital (www.helioscapitalasia.com), a boutique consulting firm specializing in M&A, Debt Restructuring, and Capital Raising. As part of his daily routine, he is a lecturer in the morning, then becomes a consultant in the day to run his passion to be “salt and light.” In recent years, his interest in large family businesses in Indonesia has led him to research on the perpetuation of large family businesses. As part of his academic advancement, Hadi has written several highly regarded academic journals, in his attempt to grasp the meaning of “the third generation curse,” and how to solve it. He holds a Doctorate in Management from UPH Jakarta; an MBA from University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA; and a MCL from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. His Bachelor degree in Accounting was obtained from Tarumanagara University, Indonesia. Hadi is also a great communicator with excellent ice-breaking capability, a vibrant street photographer, and an art enthusiast. But trust me, not all of them are true. You need to prove it.
Jumlah Halaman : 168
Tanggal Terbit : 18 Okt 2023
ISBN : 9786020673363
Penerbit : GPU
Berat : 188 gr
Lebar : 13 cm
Panjang : 20 cm
Profil Penulis:
Dr. Hadi Cahyadi 吴 conceived himself as a person with a life mission as an educator by dedicating part of his time as a lecturer. Trained as an accountant, he joined some prominent consulting companies that have turned him into become a savvy financial consultant. Later, he established Helios Capital (www.helioscapitalasia.com), a boutique consulting firm specializing in M&A, Debt Restructuring, and Capital Raising. As part of his daily routine, he is a lecturer in the morning, then becomes a consultant in the day to run his passion to be “salt and light.” In recent years, his interest in large family businesses in Indonesia has led him to research on the perpetuation of large family businesses. As part of his academic advancement, Hadi has written several highly regarded academic journals, in his attempt to grasp the meaning of “the third generation curse,” and how to solve it. He holds a Doctorate in Management from UPH Jakarta; an MBA from University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA; and a MCL from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. His Bachelor degree in Accounting was obtained from Tarumanagara University, Indonesia. Hadi is also a great communicator with excellent ice-breaking capability, a vibrant street photographer, and an art enthusiast. But trust me, not all of them are true. You need to prove it.
Jumlah Halaman : 168
Tanggal Terbit : 18 Okt 2023
ISBN : 9786020673363
Penerbit : GPU
Berat : 188 gr
Lebar : 13 cm
Panjang : 20 cm
Tags: Hadi Cahyadi,
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